Saturday, December 27, 2014

On the 3rd Day of Christmas 27th December 2014

We are counting down to New Year in a week's time:) As usual 2014 is fast flying and now it is almost gone! I have a very productive year albeit slowdown from August due to family committment! Every year end, I will always  lament that time is not enough etc etc but now instead of  doing that, I will just forge ahead and make good use of  my time. ...

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Tis The Season To Be Jolly

Time of the year again when people shop n buy gifts for their loved ones:) Love Christmas best of all festive seasons cos everywhere we go, there are lots of beautiful decorations and nice christmas songs.  We never go tired of listening to them though we outgrow them ... jingle bells jingle bells etc 2014 has been a rather busy as well as traumatic year...