Saturday, December 27, 2014

On the 3rd Day of Christmas 27th December 2014

We are counting down to New Year in a week's time:) As usual 2014 is fast flying and now it is almost gone! I have a very productive year albeit slowdown from August due to family committment! Every year end, I will always  lament that time is not enough etc etc but now instead of  doing that, I will just forge ahead and make good use of  my time. ...

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Tis The Season To Be Jolly

Time of the year again when people shop n buy gifts for their loved ones:) Love Christmas best of all festive seasons cos everywhere we go, there are lots of beautiful decorations and nice christmas songs.  We never go tired of listening to them though we outgrow them ... jingle bells jingle bells etc 2014 has been a rather busy as well as traumatic year...

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Handmade For October 2014

Due to some personal hiccups, I have not updated my blog rather frequently:(  Time is not on my side as I set about trying to right matters  on hand and at the same time attempting to do a bona fide buisness:) I hate to use this excuse but it seems that year end is again approaching and I will be busy trying to come up with new designs for Christmas...

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Busy June & July 2014

Before I knew it, June has slipped by and July is almost ending soon:( I have been away in June with my family and July is such a busy month. No ends to selling my handmade items in schools, markets and bazaars! Doing handmade is indeed a slow process and sometimes, when the atmosphere is right, I can do non stop and at times, the weather is  really too hot...

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Post mortem for May 2014

May 2014 has been a very busy month with indoor and outdoor bazaars as well as sales in schools, hospitals and vicinity of markets:) Before I knew it, this month is going to end soon and June holidays is back soon!  Some customers will be away on holidays while some students will be having backup lessons to prepare for the final exams after the one month...

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Happenings in April 2014

Before I knew it, time passes so fast that I was left behind and have no time whatever to update my blog and also hardly find time to design new items for my so called bazaars all over Singapore:) Since January at Ghim Moh Chinese New Year bazaar, above picture shows a more recent event at Ghim Moh Weekend market in April:)     Some of my more recent...

Monday, February 10, 2014

Ghim Moh CNY bazaar 2014

First time we went to sell at Ghim Moh during Chinese New Year Bazaar. The market  here is both vibrant and exciting with lots of new as well as preloved items. After the lunar  new year celebrations, the fleamarket at GM will be held on every 2nd weekend of the month:)  I will definitely join them again on 9th of March 2014:)  I like to thank all...

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Renri @ Ghim Moh CNY Bazaar

 Today is the 7th day of Chinese New Year and it is also known as human's birthday and a good time to get together and merry making etc  Many Chinese celebrate today by lo hei n feasting with families n friends.  I spent my morning today at Ghim Moh market attending to morning crowd & again the afternoon lunch crowd before hitting home.  A happy...

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Chinese New Year 2014

Before I knew it, 2013 ended with a bang!  December 2013 & January 2014  are busy months for me and I haven't had much time to update my blog:( By the way, I wish all my friends far n wide a very happy Lunar New Year and may the year of the Horse bring all good health, happiness and all the best for 2014! ...