Monday, May 27, 2013

Alexandra Hospital Staff Bazaar 27th May 2013

Hospital bazaar can be quiet affair as experienced today at Alexandra Hospital:( Met two sisters from K.L. and these are some of my buys today from the wonderful Malaysian crafters:) These pouches are so beautifully done, I like the mix of fabrics:)   Today, I actually buy more than I sell:)  Most of my cusrtomers did not drop by and...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Rings Rings Rings for the Month of May

My world of stones!  Collection over the years and I am stoned:)   My ideal would be to make at least 20 rings in a day:) Too many and I will have sore fingers:(    Customer so loved my wire wrapped rings and bought four at one go!  Thanks Jacqueline for loving my handmades:) A more difficult version of rings.  Each takes...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Happenings on Mother's Day

A visit to Merlion Park in the evening after work to take a stroll down memory Lane.  The park is indeed crowded with many people, lots of tourists from all over the world.  The night scenery is so beautiful and we can see Marina Bay  Sands across the river!   Garden By the Bay is another prime spot we visited on the same evening. U can see the...

Monday, May 6, 2013

Specially Handmade for Mother's Day 12th May 2013

Work in progress:) Designing n working from the dinning table! Some of my recent works being sold at Scape Mall. I love to work with natural  stones and keep the designs simple:) Most of the items featured here are sold but can be custom made again upon request:) I take this opportunity to wish all mothers in advance A Very Happy Mother's Day! May we be...

Happenings in May

Since the month of May started, I was practically at Scape for the whole week:) Though 1st of May, Wednesday was a public holiday aka Labor Day, I was labouring from morning to night at Scape:) The crowd was good and there was a constant flow of visitors for the whole day! My table is directly in front of Toast Box and you can see the human jam:) There they go...