Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sewing Is Never Boring

A Pouch for my daughter to put her charger n cable:)  Hello Kitty fabric was bought donkey years ago when Yaohan  was still located at Plaza Singapore:)  I used to frequent their handicraft department and loved buying wools, fabrics, diy kits etc.  A pity Yaohan shifted out of Singapore!  New version of cute prints bought last year. ...

Thursday, March 21, 2013

A french seam tissue pouch

A quick stitch this morning while waiting to go for my job:) My girl wanted to learn how to make a tissue pouch in the  shortest possible time without hassle.  This is fully hand stitched:) Cut two pieces of materials, 5 by 6 & 5 by 7.  Sew both the lengths together on the wrong sides and turn them inside out:) Fold the ends to the middle...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bazaar at Cintech from 19th to 21st March

Canteen bazaar at Cintech.  I am surprised to meet a customer from my previous shop at Turf City :) She remembered both mine n my hubby's names though we have not seen each other for many years:)  Mainly office crowd here, everyone is in a rush:) Anyway I like to thank all of you who supported my products! See you again soon:)...

Monday, March 11, 2013

Scape Bazaar March 2013

For the month of March 2013, we will be located just outside Toast Box:) Though the weather is not very predictable, we still love to do our business operation at Scape where the crowd is full of  young teenagers! At this age, many girls as well as guys love to dress up and hence make up the bulk of our buyers! For those customers not in the teen's group, we...

Monday, March 4, 2013

Post CNY Bazaars

 CGH staff bazaar on 26th February 2013 After the festive season, we did a sale at Changi hospital for the staff & public; response was good and we are definitely going back to CGH in March:) Alexandra Hospital retail therapy bazaar was rather quiet:( We are glad for the support from return customers and we hope  to be back next month with more...