Saturday, October 29, 2011

 Staff Bazaar at NUHS on 27 & 28th Oct.  I guess this is mylast bazaar here for this year & hope to see you folks again nextyear. In the meantime, I shall be at Compass Point for the monthof Nov, just outside GNC...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Changi General Hospital Consumer Sales on 25 Oct 2011The fishes at CGH pond are huge....the landscape is beautifuloutside the canteen and u practically can sit around n just stare at the fishes or feed them....heard the fishes recognize the CEOof the hospital;) The fishes have been around since the hospital was built, > 10 years!  This is my last bazaar at...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Outside Museum of Horrors at Scape Mall Saturday at Scape  on 22 Oct 2011...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Jade doughnut with crystal clusters (2 sets only) @ SGD38...
'Deepavali Specials' Staff Consumer Sales at KKH on 18 Oct 2...

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Friday, October 14, 2011

MOE staff bazaar on 10th October 2011As usual, it rained cats & dogs on our way there!A quiet day, sales was not bad with support from some regulars;) A big thank you to all of you at MOEwho bought from me and hope to see some of you atHeartland Mall @Kovan  in Oct n Compass Point @SengKang in No...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

My latest photos at Heartland Mall with the 'welcome' signboard:)Will be here until end of October.  Where are you Yvonne?? Miss You & your so...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Finally, managed to complete my set up at Heartland Mall.My booth located at 2nd floor, 3rd table from Bata Shop;)I like to spend my time here selling, designing n reading (when no customers)as this shopping mall is not so noisy like Compass Point:) However when I crave for some activities, I will flock to Scape Mall during the weekends:)Hence, do sms me if you want to...